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for hairdressers


80 % of Finns look online for services

*According to a Statistics Finland report 2019

If you are targeting customers under 75 you should make sure your business can be found online.
YourDigiGuide developed an easy-to-implement and free way for you to present your business online, stand out and grow your business digitally!

This is how it works!

We guide you to the information you need. For free and without requiring any of your personal information.

Google Business Account

Google is the most popular place for people to search for local businesses and services. If you have a physical business, make sure potential customers can find you in the correct category.

Up-to-date information

People compare and evaluate offers before contacting. They want to find the most suitable service provider with the right experience and professionalism. Help your audience choose you by keeping your information up to date.

Appointment Booking

The ability to book an online appointment not only serves your customer online. It also makes your life easier and allows you to focus on the visiting customers without being disturbed by phone calls.

Tip! The more details you provide, the more likely you are to stand out from the crowd. For example, if you are a hairdresser focusing on natural dyes for long hair and bring it up with image evidence, there is a greater chance that a customer looking for such a treatment will choose you over other more general offers.

Be where customers are looking for your service

According to Google, the number of local searches has grown by more than 500% in the last few years. We look for services when we are on the move, and we are specifically looking for services that are close to us.

When you search for a service nearby, only companies with a good Google My Business profile will appear in the search results.

Let Robin help you be more present online. It’s completely free, and we don’t ask for your personal information! 👇

Our bot Robin will ask you three simple Yes/No questions about the current situation of your business. Based on your answers, you will get clear instructions + guides on how to get your business on Google searches and how to set up online booking.

The use of the bot, the guides as well as the tools we recommend are free of charge. And we won’t require any of your private data.